onsdag den 16. maj 2012

The Suspension of Physics Necessary for All Athletic Endeavors

I have had "The Suspension of Physics Necessary for All Athletic Endeavors" by Colin Blakely haning on my wall for a little less than half a year, even though I bought is some time before that. Once again this is a print from 20x200 (which I have written about 20x200 before), and I like it a lot.

By first look the photograph appears to show little more than a lot of fog, but then you note the many small people. Its sepia tone and vignette gives it an old-fashioned look witch is immediately offset by the not-at-all old-fashioned way that the small people are moving around. And why are all these people moving around in the fog? This is mysterious in an intriguing way.
Even if the title did not give a hint you quickly sense that these people are doing some sport. And the people must be women, at least they are so in my perception. It is a strange choreography where everybody seems to move in different directions but at the same time is following some rule of game. I get a sense that this must be football (in the European way), but where is the ball and the goals?
These girls playing football grabs my attention, who are they? They are to small and to foggy that I can really see any of them clearly, but one of the girls draws my eye with a certain slim, lithe presence. I can't but think about what it would be like to meet her.

These days many people holds many different kinds of beliefs. Many seems to seek an explanation for their life and for what is happening to them. This is very clearly something that is important to many and I can understand a lot of that. But my own mind is much to logically thinking to accept much of what I can not see for my self - clearly a large limitation in who I am. And even for me, things happen that seems connected in mysterious ways - are this all by chance? For anybody how have read Paul Auster it is clear that this is one of the themes in many of his book. Is it just chance? And if it just is, can it then still have a meaning? Paul Auster is my all time favorite author, and it is clearly time to reread some of his books - and perhaps then blog a little more about chance.

But why this odd diversion in a blog entry about one of my prints? Yesterday it suddenly appeared to me that there is a strange connection between this photograph and something I experienced my self recently. Even my logical mind can not quite help seeking a meaning where for sure none can be found.

I don't know much about what the definition of art is. And much less fine art (print). But I have my own very simple definitions. Art is when the image makes you experience something more than just the immediate motive. Good art is when what you experience is connected to your feelings. Great art is when many people gets such feelings. My Blakely print clearly is at least good art!

mandag den 7. maj 2012

New iPad

My new iPad is now not quite so new as it was when I got it two weeks ago. I have had the original iPad for about 1½ years and was very satisfied with it. The iPad 2 didn't lure me, and only one feature on the new iPad sounded really interesting: the new retina display!
I use my iPad almost exclusively for two things: I browse (this and that) and I read magazines and the like (but I read novels on my Kindle). Browsing was OK on the original iPad, but for magazines I have always found that the screen was both a little to small and with too low a resolution. When reading magazines not specifically edited for the iPad, that meant I had to constantly zoom in and out.
Well, the new iPad for sure fixed the problem with the resolution, and it actually did it so well that I don't feel anymore that the iPad is to small! That is great!

I dropped CD's and other physical more than 3 years ago when I got my Sonos. I dropped physical books - well, novels anyway - when I got my first Kindle more than 3 years ago. And I (almost) dropped physical magazine more than 1 year ago when I got my first iPad. Going digital is of course great because of the convenience, but living in Denmark it has the added benefit that media in English is a lot less expensive in digital form than in physical form. I do not read that many magazines, and still my savings on going digital with the magazines can pay for almost half of a new iPad every 2. year.

This is the magazines i currently read on my iPad:
  • British Journal of Photography. I had never read that before it came in an iPad edition. This is a really great magazine if you are interested in photography. It covers both new trends and important well known photographers and both the art photography and the more commercial photography. It is edited really well, and of the magazines I have seen, it is clearly the one that has the far best iPad edition. The only bad thing is that it is only a quarterly.
  • Amature Photographer (AP). I read the Journal to learn about photography and photographers, but I read AP to learn about taking photographs my self. It is well edited and with a lot of news and inspiration. And it is a weekly! AP does not have an iPad edition, so I have my subscription through Zinio. The Zinio reader works really well on the new iPad.
  • Wired. Compared to its previous glory Wired is a little tired. But it still has the occasional article that enlightens on a new important trend. The iPad edition reads quite well.
  • Popular Photography (popphoto). I probably bought my first edition more than 25 years ago, so it is with a little nostalgia I still read it. But even if the iPad edition is definitely lightweight then it is also very cheap.
  • Outdoor Photographer. This is not a very interesting magazine but Zinio had an offer for a two-year subscription for almost nothing. I does have a lot of stunning landscape photographs and a different twist on its gear coverage.
Beside of the above I occasionally by a single edition of some other magazine i Zinio. Zinio really is you virtual newsstand for magazines.